Don't Waste Your Time Working up Bad Data Caused by Ion Suppression

High-performance liquid chromatography is one of the most important and common quantitative and qualitative methods for measuring small biochemical molecules in metabolomics.  To ensure you have the ability to make accurate measurements make sure you monitor ion suppression. After all, ion suppression can impact the precision and accuracy of metabolomics measurements.

Fortunately, you can bring ion suppression into line using the TruQuant Workflow kit with metabolomics suppression correction. You can count on our semi-targeted analysis workflow that automatically corrects for ion suppression, normalizes samples, and reports platform QC parameters.  It is so economical your data will thank you!

In addition to correcting ion suspension, you can expect an improved measure of understanding and identifying metabolites. 

Ion Suppression Correction

The unique IROA labeling pattern ensures that the monoisotopic peaks and the carbon envelope of the associated isotopic peaks (M-1 etc.) can be detected during LC-MS.  The carbon envelope differentiates the IROA-IS from natural abundance peaks (and is used to identify compounds of interest and exclude artifacts that may look otherwise similar.

The IROA-IS is a true Internal Standard and can be spiked into any natural abundance experimental sample (cells, tissue biopsy, plant material, blood, etc.) and all the IS peaks may be easily identified using the ClusterFinder software according to the presence of their characteristic M-1 peak and associated carbon envelope. It provides enough information for complete identification and quantitation of samples without the need for chromatographic base-line correction.

Fundamental to the IROA concepts (and inherent in the name Isotopic Ratio Outlier Analysis) is the fact that the ratio of the C-12 envelope to the C-13 envelope is unaffected by suppression even though both the C-12 and C-13 isotopomeric sets may be strongly suppressed.  This has afforded a mechanism for suppression correction that has been built into ClusterFinder.

The algorithm for suppression correction starts by determining the true ratio of the total number of molecules in their respective C12 and C13 envelopes and then multiplying this ratio with the “unsuppressed value” of the molecule at hand.

    1. The “least unsuppressed value” can be the largest C13 value seen within an experiment for each compound. This value can then be used within an experiment and will recover the effects of suppression as seen in the experiment.
    2. The “least unsuppressed value” may be the largest C13 value seen in a sample that is otherwise a blank (i.e., containing no sample).
    3. A more accurate, and enduring value for the “unsuppressed value” can be determined in a specific experiment in which the internal solution is serially diluted and analyzed in the absence of any other sample.
    4. If there is a quantitatively accurate determination of the concentration of the internal standard for the peak in question, then the ratio may simply be multiplied by this concentration to obtain an approximately accurate concentration value.

It should be noted that options 1 and 2 require no further data to be generated external to the experiment, while options 3 and 4 rely on experimentally established quantitative values, that once established may be used at any time if an identical aliquot size of the same internal standard is used to resolvate the dried sample. Options c and d represent solutions that can be repeatedly used for longer periods of time, over many experiments, or even for very large studies using hundreds or thousands of samples.

The majority of your peaks are artifacts.  Most of what remains are adducts or fragments, but they are all unknowns. Plus you know your peaks are suppressed.

Why not make your data worth working up?


IROA Technologies: Metabolomics Suppression Correction, Dual-MSTUS Normalization and Much More…

IROA Technologies develops products to enable metabolomics and metabolomics measurements. We employ uniquely labeled internal standards that are easily identified in mass spectral data.  Our software algorithms seek out hundreds of peaks and automatically identify compounds and their adducts or fragments, provide quantitation, correct for ion suppression and normalize datasets. We are the developers of metabolic profiling technologies that facilitate the measurements of biological systems.


  • Semi-targeted. Provides quantitation and identification (with built-in libraries) for hundreds of IROA and non-IROA peaks in your sample
  • Automatically corrects for most variances, including instrumental, matrix effect, and sample preparation.
  • Sample-to-sample normalization
  • Corrects for all ion losses
  • Assures quality, reproducible data, built-in QC Platform monitoring
  • Economical – less than the cost of the plasticware used in preparing a sample

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