Stable isotope reagents have been routinely used as Internal Standards (IS) for Metabolomics for quite some time. Stable isotope IS reference standards have been employed for QC measurements to account for sources of variance across individual studies and laboratories However, IROA 5% and 95% U-13C labeled standards have proven not only to provide a daily measurement of platform QC (MS source function, MS instrument performance, chromatographic separation and quantification) but also provide a mechanism for ion suppression correction and other source-induced variances, calibration standard-base quantification and sample-to-sample normalization. Here is how these unique standards have been transforming metabolomics:

Key Benefits and Uses

  • Removal of false peaks due to the unique labeling patterns of 95% U-13C
  • Ion suppression and normalization of experimental samples
  • Accurate metabolite ID and quantitation
  • Applicable to numerous sample matrices
  • Method and instrument QC Workflow
  • Software automated
  • Biomarker discovery

Here at IROA Technologies, our uniquely labeled standards simplify LC-MS metabolomics workflows. We provide cost-efficient labeled internal metabolite standards as well as natural abundance metabolite libraries to achieve reproducible results and make metabolomics easier.  We utilize the most advanced technology and internal measurement systems in an effort to reduce noise, variability, and ion suppression to deliver accurate and reproducible datasets.


IROA Technologies provides all the tools needed for a streamlined LC-MS workflow to pave the way to accurate and reproducible metabolomics analysis. 

Authentic chemical standards so that you can build your own spectral libraries to accurately identify compounds and unique U-13C labeled metabolite standards for platform QC and reproducible quantitation.