ClusterFinder (CF) is a metabolomics data analysis software tool for targeted and non-targeted metabolomics. ClusterFinder processes isotopically enriched metabolomics data; centered around 13C at 93-97% and 2-5% (typically 95% and 5% 13C) abundance. CF suppression correction algorithms will correct for most of the variance (i.e., instrumentation error, injector, source etc.) and then normalization algorithms correct for a large part of the remaining variance. ClusterFinder outputs three values: 1) the raw (suppressed) values observed; 2) a suppression-corrected value; and 3) a normalized (suppression-corrected and normalized) value.
ClusterFinder™ is provided with any kit purchase and developed to support the analysis of IROA LC-MS data files generated using the IROA TruQuant Yeast Extract Semi-targeted QC Workflow Kit.
ClusterFinder metabolomics data analysis benefits:
- Accurate compound formula ID for MS alone; complete ID with the addition of SWATH, or IM, even at low concentrations
- Unique IROA patterns discriminate peaks of biological origin from artifacts allowing the removal of false data
- All IROA-based fragments have the IROA ratio pattern derived from their parent peaks and can be identified using the “peak correlation” ClusterFinder module
- Suppression-corrected measurements for significantly better quantitation
- Reproducibility. Sample normalization to a universal standard for complete comparability
- Batch-to-batch correction
- Ensures high-level daily instrument QC for accurate and reproducible results
- ClusterFinder builds libraries, IDs/quantitates compounds, and normalizes data. View the Protocol and ClusterFinder videos to see how IROA can be used for your Metabolomics data analysis workflows.
- ClusterFinder: Your Solution to a Streamlined Metabolomic Workflow!